
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and becoming the most informed customer as you can be. 

  • I am not a crystal expert, thus my identification of crystals are based on what sellers have reported, research, and asking for identification assistance from other crystal enthusiasts. 
  • Copper does tarnish, which means it gets darker. Not to worry as all of my items are pure copper, which means you can easily maintain it's bright color by buffing it with a polishing cloth or fine grit sandpaper. 
  • Images have had adjustments in lighting/brightness and may impact the color of the piece in the photograph; however, all efforts to demonstrate it as true to life as possible have been taken. 
  • In order to make a return, the item must have an issue with its quality or presentation that was not depicted in the images or description, or does not fall within any of the areas discussed in this section. 
  • All properties listed are metaphysical not factual, and should not be relied upon or taken as factual in any of the statements or contexts provided for my products. Descriptions have been obtained through various internet websites and have not shown to be factual. 
  • Please know that these products occur in a house that has the following potential allergens: Cat dander, dog dander, bird dander, and peanuts. If you have any questions about specific allergens, please email me at hiddengemsbyheather.com