About Us

What: I developed Hidden Gems By Heather in July of 2022 to share my passion for finding beauty in all things. I have always found stones, rocks and other minerals to be gorgeous, fascinating, and have the ability to tell their own story. Each pendant is hand selected for beauty, quality and personal value. I want my hidden gems to spark motivation, inspiration, adoration, joy and bring special emotions to whoever chooses to be their forever home.

How: Cabochon crystals are purchased through other retail or wholesale providers. Some crystals are tumbled crystals purchased from other small business owners. The remaining tumbled crystals/stones are ones I have found scouring one of California's largest rivers located near my home, with direct access to water coming from one of the highest mountains ranges in the world, the Sierra Nevada's (also, my home town). Raw or cut crystals are made by me with a rotary tool, saw, sanding and polishing equipment or a hammer.   

Who: Hidden Gems by Heather is made by Heather Cohen as a sole proprietor. I began wire wrapping in early June 2022 and fell in love immediately. It was an escape and a way to positively channel my attention and hyperfocus abilities during a time where my needs weren't understood, met, or valued working in the “corporate” world. Hidden Gems By Heather is my first attempt at obtaining an income outside of corporate jobs. I have worked in the social services field for over 7 years in managerial positions. Unfortunately, this has lead to an increase in various day to day mental health symptoms I experience. I am nuerodivergent, have ADD, a learning disability, OCD and Anxiety. My ultimate goal is to have HiddenGemsByHeather be my source of income in order to allow me to live a life that is suitable for someone like me (and I'm sure many others you know!). My long term goal would be to provide some type of service to individuals like me: high functioning neuro divergent individuals who cannot adult successfully without great strain to their mental and physical wellbeing. 

Why: I have brought together two elements that spark joy in almost every individual: beauty and the overlooked treasures of nature. Combining the ordinary or over looked with wire wrapped pendants, rings, bracelets, or earrings allows everyone to keep with them, at all times, something they love and find value in. 

I want to provide people the ability to improve something they already love. Let the items you love be with you at all times by wearing one of my pendants, earrings, rings or bracelets. Have them with you in a way that noone else knows their value to you. Keep close to your heart what grounds you and makes you smile; all wrapped up in a pretty copper wire wrapped bow. I understand the importance of finding something you not only love, but get comfort, growth, and confidence from. I also understand that what is more important, is having the option to have those things with you at all times to use at any time. Our own personal hidden gems.